Saturday, July 11, 2009

I'm in Houston and there is no problem

So i'm in Houston. Its the place to be. We (by that I mean me and four other counselors) are here to pick up the Houston bus and kids in the morning. Which means that we get to stay in a fancy hotel and have money to spend on food, and we get paid. Its great! Like this term has been, it was a crazy. term, but so much fun. The kids this term were definatly more of a challenge but I had an amazing CO, and we made it through with many good memorys of which I will try to show some photos of later. THis term I have been moved up to D compounds which is the Divas, like they are thirteen which should be interesting, challenging, growing but fun.
Every term God pushes me a little bit and every term I grow a little bit more.
Anyhow will post some photos when I can

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