Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Term Two

So in all fairness internet has been down at camp for the last month and I'm not at camp anymore so I am playing catch up...

Team comp is my favourite, this was the day of the amazing race, which is like an epic relay race that whole camp takes part in. My kids were so painted up that I had to make them wash off in the lake before taking them back.
This is MVAs - Music Video Awards, we dress up (at least the girls do) and we watch the videos we made through out the term, it so much fun and the girls love dressing up.

These are some of the counselors I worked with, it was really funny to see people dressed up out of camp gear.
This is Abby, Kathryn and Sophie at movie night, which is when we all get our blankets out and watch a movie under the stars. The kids love it because they are aloud fizzy and sweets, the only time they can at camp, its really fun.
These are some of the counselors I worked with, we are taking what we dubbed akward high school photos.
Cake anyone? This was on the TRSDP Totally Random Sporadic Dance Party, which also landed on American independance day, which was really fun to celebrate, we had a parade through camp, in which we decorated all the camp vechiles and went around camp throwing candy. And then we had fireworks that night it was pretty sweet.
Camp out = smores = yum = messy me!
This is my cabin at womans dinner which is an amazing night where we sing and dance and eat and be girly without the boys cause they are on camp out haha

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