Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Term Three

Here goes term three, these kids were crazy but amazing all in one go.


Every Sunday night My co counselor and I have to organise a night for our cabin to hang out. On this particular cabin hang out night we sort of left it a bit late so we decided we were going to do make over and it turned out to be one of the most fun nights, it was really good. This is womans dinner third term with some of the craziest most awesome people to work with!
This is a photo of a prank we pulled on one of the boys cabins. We completely covered the cabin with string making a giant web, and then we put glitter on the fan and then we put shaving cream on their bathroom and
These are both from a compound night, a compound is what we call the age group that stay in each group of cabins. This was D compound so it was girls aged 12 to 15, they were dubbed the divas for obvious reasons. This night we played with paint, it was really really fun and afterwards you got a pretty rad t shirt, so above aer my girls and below is me and my Co

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