Saturday, May 23, 2009

Actually here (which is there too you)

Wow this is weird, I'm ACTUALLY here.
Still a tiny but surreal but thats alright.
So far all the Americans I have meet have meet (including airport security, which I had been given the impression that they were all tough and scary ) have been very nice.
Flights were OK, got a whole row to myself on the way over so I could stretch out and slept if I wasnt so awake ( I was the only person on the plane who watched the sunrise which was absolutely beautiful) San Fran was HUGE and dry, Denver was raining (see Taranaki isnt the only place that rains in summer). And then Austin was all lit up, as it was night. By the time I landed I was very glad to get off the plane and not have to go on another one. And I figured that over 30 hours I got four hours sleep, so I'm still pretty shattered.
But during the day I could actually see camp, and what I have seen is beautiful.

Thats all for now folks as I'm off to do something involving a lake and a boat.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the lake and boat is a warmer spot than here. Snow would better describe things, especially if you see the mountain.
    no doubt you will catch up on that lost sleep in about a year.
