Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lots of Firsts

This is the first time I have....
Been in America
Been in the Northern Hemisphere!!
Driven on the wrong side of the road (which still catches me some time)
Had people find MY accent fascinating
Been to Wallmart!! ( when they say you can get anything at wallmart they mean it!)
Trained to be a life guard (of the American certified variety)
Seen a squirrel
Seen a humming bird ( dad I'm not sure if you have ever seen one but you would like them, they are incredible to watch and super super cute)
Had American hot dogs in America around a camp fire
Saw a water snake (which here at camp are called loose cables to avoid freaking out all the campers)
Watched a heat lighting storm, so bizzarly beautiful

The list really could go on, its been a week of firsts. but it has been fun. Today the lifeguards, which is me and 20 or so other people practised saving each other from drowning. I know swimming around in the sunshine on a hot hot day may seem like easy work, its not (entirely that is). Pretending to drown time after time is hard work!, but still lots of fun and it will be worth it to save lives! Although I did end up swallowing half of lake Ted (which is soooo pretty, turns out this part of texas isnt a desert and actually has a lot of green). Anyhow thats all for now, ya'll (yes they do say ya'll, a lot) have a lovely tomoro, as in the rest of your day and I am off to bed.

By the way mum, I'm gonna have to get you to send me a package with some kiwi food in it, they have never heard of hokey pokey!!!! I'll give you some details later.

And cush if you ever read this I will get your number off you and give you a call some time cause they play some of the craziest cool games here which would be fantastic for youth on wed!


  1. you can always make them hokey pokey. find out what their equivalent to golden syrup is and baking soda.
    sounds like some great firsts.

  2. I can't believe somebody let you drive their car!!

  3. Yay for a whole bunch of firsts and more to come :]
    So excited for you and the adventures that are still to come.
    All my love!

  4. I'm from Texas and not much of it is dry. For the most part it is green and pretty...the long scorchingly hot summers do take their toll south of the panhandle but it makes for a long growing season and more time than most for swimming, boating, skiing and such. Enjoy your stay!
    What in the world is hokey pokey? I've done a dance called the hokey pokey but I dont think thats what you're talking about.
    Later alligator
