Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New York, New York

Sorry folks for leaving this blank for so long, there is no reason for me not keeping thhis more up to date I just didnt get around to it.

So starting where I left off, New York New York its a hell of a town. It really really is. Although my arrival to the city that never sleeps was a but bumpy to start off with it was definatly a trip worth the effort.

So first impression was that it smelt and was wet but they may have had something to do with the rain. But impressions improve a lot after you have sat down after lugging heavy bags around and a good freind from camp arrives to keep you company.

This photo speaks for itself, best cup cakes and they meant it!!

Well worth the ridiculous amount we paid to see it, hadnt read the book which made it all the more amazing as I did not know what to expect. But it was absolutely spectacular, would pay to see it again.

I have no idea why but there was confiti all over times squae so we stopped to play.

This would be a good time to introduce my co, Megan, without I would have been lost, literally I mean I have a terrible sense of direction so she took charge of directions. Thankyou google maps!

I dont know about you but the Empire State building kinda looks like a space ship to me. Maybe it is.....

Times Squara. Yes it is that bright.

Washington Square.

Me and Lady Liberty, she really is an image of freedom, its quite cool to see her in person.

This is a statue that was at the bottom of the Twin Towers when they fell. Its amazing but all it has is a few dents. Espeacially after seeing how big the space is where the towers used to be. It really hits you the enormity of it.

Apparently the charging bull is lucky, we just thoughh it was cool. But rubbed its nose for lucl just incase.

If you go to New York you HAVE to get a hot pretzel from a street vendor, it is the best thing on a cold day.

But that was New York, 3 days was not enough time to explore it all.

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